
Foundations of Chaplaincy: A Practical Guide is unavailable, but you can change that!

An approachable overview of the nature, purpose, and functional roles of chaplaincy. Chaplaincy is unlike any other kind of ministry. It involves working outside a church, without a congregation, usually in a secular organization. It requires ministering to those with starkly different religious convictions, many of whom may never enter a house of worship. It is, as Alan Baker writes, “ministry...

Many prospective chaplains don’t like the idea of being in the uncomfortable path of other people’s suffering, because they fear unanswerable questions about faith: Why did God do this to me? Why did God punish my innocent son by taking his life? Instead of withdrawing from these faith-challenging moments, chaplains contribute value by moving toward the pain and praying for a transformational, faith-changing moment. It is the place of greatest risk because chaplains don’t have the answers. However,
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